Highland Meadows

about 1 mile South Of Interstate 40. about 34 miles West of Albuquerque

Northern Valencia county

Near Lagunas and Mesita zip code 87026

Apn# Acres/size +/- legal description/address power Notes $$$$ map
R054373 1.02 Highland Meadows Estates Unit 6, block 6, lot 3 300+/- ft 4 adj. lots Fama rd NWcorner: gps 34.9503 , -107.1989 2000 ; 2/$3500 gp
R054372 1.02 Highland Meadows Estates Unit 6, block 6, lot 4 300+/- ft 4 adj. lots Fama rd 2nd in group 2000 ; 2/$3500 gp
R054375 5.0 Highland Meadows Estates Unit 1, Tract 16 near property line and across road

SE corner lot Calle de Llano & Fruta

gps: 34.9420 , -107.1692

9000 gp
R054376 5.0 Highland Meadows Estates Unit 1, Tract 23 near property line

GPS: NE: 34.9404 , -107.1753 ; SE: 34.9387 , -107.1753 ; NW: 34.9404 , -107.1763 ; SW: 34.9388 , -107.1762

5500 gp







R054371 1.02 Highland Meadows Estates Unit 6, block 6, lot 5 300+/- ft 4 adj. lots Fama rd 3rd in group 2000 ; 2/$3500 SOLD gp
R054374 1.02 Highland Meadows Estates Unit 6, block 6, lot 6 300+/- ft 4 adj. lots Fama rd NE corner: gps 34.9503 , -107.1971 2000 ; 2/$3500 SOLD gp