Box Elder County
Account# | Parcel# (Info link) | Size acres +/- | location | Notes (GPS are approx.) | $$$ | map code |
R0005364 | 01-081-0005 | 10 | about 1.75 miles east of Pilot Mountain rd. NE of Wendover | C: 41.20165 , -113.88255 | 8,500 | npnp |
R0024167 | 05-131-0006 | 79.79 | Middle of nowhere | C: 41.70631 , -113.09424 | 18,250 | slop |
R0006496 | 02-021-0021 | 36.6 | Tecoma Valley | SW/4 OF SW/4 SEC 25 T8N R19W SLM CONT 36.60 ACRES M/L | all 4 | oipp |
R0006517 | 02-021-0058 | 40 | Tecoma Valley | NE/4 OF SW/4 OF SEC 25 T8N R19W SLM CONT 40 ACRES M/L | for $64,000 | oipp |
R0006518 | 02-021-0059 | 40 | Tecoma Valley | NW/4 OF SW/4 OF SEC 25 T8N R19W SLM CONT 40 ACRES | must be | ropp |
R0006519 | 02-21-0060 | 40 | Tecoma Valley | SE/4 OF SW/4 OF SEC 25 T8N R19W SLM CONT 40 ACRES M/L | sold together | oepp |
R0004634 | 01-066-0009 | 40.21 | 12.75 miles E-NE of Montello NV. 4.5 miles east of NV-UT stateline | Borders BLM to the South. GPS: NW: 41.30798 , -113.95810 ; NE: 41.30804 , -113.95342 ; SE: 41.30440 , -113.95338 ; SW: 41.30434 , -113.95805 | 10,500 | grpp |
R0075791 | 01-060-0190 | 9.75 | 19.25 miles east of montello NV | GPS center: 41.1956 , -113.8307 | 2750 sold | oapp |
R0081794 | 01-055-0018 | 160 | 20 miles east of Montello. west side of Little Pigeon Mountain . 14 miles south of Hwy. 30 . Power 4/10th mile |
NW4 of Sec. 21, T06N, R17W, SLM, cont: 160 acres m/l .. borders BLM to west and state of utah lands on north. road on north side. Property taxes about $36 a yearGPS: NW: 41.23104 , -113.80823 ; NE: 41.23111 , -113.79875 ; SE: 41.22381 , -113.79858 ; SW: 41.22391 , -113.80815 * . .elev. 4300 ft |
sold | srpp |
R0079496 | 01-009-0145 | 40 | east of pilot Valley road N. of Wendover | North of Wendover. just East of nevada State line | $7,000 | rapp |
R0002338 | 01-009-0029 | 320 | east of pilot Valley road N. of Wendover | North of Wendover. just East of nevada State line | $39,000 sold | srpp |
96 acres
01-107-0020 | 10.1 | Tucoma road | 2500 SOLD | nrg |
R0006496 | 4 adjoining parcels | 36.6 | NW Utah . about 3 miles east of the Nevada-Utah state line. About 4.25 miles NW of Lucin. about 1/4 mile south of Highway 30. About 14 miles NE of Montello | property taxes about $8 | 25,000 for all 4 SOLD | |
R0006517 | 4 adjoining parcels | 40 | same as above | property taxes about $9 | 25,000 for all 4 SOLD | |
R0006518 | 4 adjoining parcels | 40 | same as above | property taxes about $9 | $25,000 for all 4 SOLD | |
R0006519 | 4 adjoining parcels | 40 | same as above | property taxes about $9 | $25,000 for all 4 SOLD |
R0023971 | 05-118-0004 | 10 | 47 miles NE of montello NV. , 78 miles W-NW Brigham city | Rolling Hills NW: 41.68448 , -113.48459 ; SW: 41.68357 , -113.48456 ; SE: 41.68364 ; NE: 41.68452 , -113.47971 | 5500 SOLD | rrpp |
R0020111 | 04-099-0004 | 96.09 | 8 miles NE Terrace Mt and Ghost town/cemetary. 4.5 miles south of coyote hill |
S 1585 ft. of SW4of section 31, T10N, R13W, SLM, less: a 400ft. strip of land across section; 96.08 acres m/l . . . . . . . . . . . On escarpment huge southerly views.. Remote. Borders State of Utah lands to west. BLM lands to south . road off west side GPS: NW:41.54495 , -113.38513 ; NE: 41.54502 , 113.37552 ; SE: 41.54062 , 113.37539 ; SW: 41.54055 , -113.38504 . . . ..elev 4500 ft |
20,900 SOLD | snpp |