Hudspeth County

Hudspeth County is located about 70 miles east of The city of El Paso.

Legal Description Acres +/- size +/-' Location power / phone prop id# geoid # or APN# Notes $$$$
Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 Tract #56 5.29 acres about 8-10 miles south of IH 10 no/no 21202 S410-001-0000-0560 remote secluded views 3500


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Sun City Unit 3, Block 31, lots 8 & 9 .33 (1/3ac) 19294 each lot is .165 ac (1/6ac) 850 both SOLD
Sierra Blanca development phase 1 Block-133 lots 5-6 60'x125' ea adjoins town on Santa Fe Blvd. 100+/- ft 15347 * P100-000-1330-0020 buildable lots mobiles ok 2500 both * SOLD
Sierra Blanca development phase 1 Block-133 lots 13-14 60'x125' ea adjoins town on Coronada 100+/- ft 15358 * P100-000-1330-0130 buildable lots mobiles ok 2500 both * SOLD
Sierra Blanca development phase 1 Block-125 lots 27-29 62'x125' adjoins town on Monterey 180+/- ft 15157 P100-000-1250-0270 buildable lots mobiles ok SOLD
Sierra Blanca development phase 1 Block-134 lots 17-18 65' x127.5' ea adjoins town on corner Monterey & Coronada. 120+/- ft 15385 P100-000-1340-0170 buildable lots mobiles ok SOLD
Sierra Blanca development phase 1 Block-149 lots 46-50 60'x120' ea adjoins town on La Salle 200-300 ft 15808 P100-000-1490-0460 buildable lots mobiles ok SOLD
Sierra Blanca development phase 1 Block-150 lots 45-50 60'x135' adjoins town on Sierra 200-300 ft 104311 P100-000-1500-0440 buildable lots mobiles ok SOLD
N1/2SE1/4 Tract 25, Block 68, T3, section 8 T&P Survey 86 acres Northern part of County Near NM stateline no/no 26066 X568-003-0008-0250

GPS (approx.) NE: 31.725183 , -105.127322 ; NW: 31.725183 , -105.136033 ; SW: 31.721277 , -105.135948 ; SE: 31.721277 , -105.127322


19,900 SOLD
Gunsight Ranch, Tract 1, Section 12, Block 22, tract 1 53.24       G820-022-0012-0010   $19,000 SOLD
Lot 56, N2, sec. 4 B-76, T6 5.14 ares 34 miles east of El Paso near El Paso County Line no/no 72515 * X576-006-0004-0560 dirt road 1 mile N of IH 10 2200 * SOLD
Sun City Unit 3, Block 144, Lots 4-10 1.65 total 10 adjoining lots 20255 each lot is .165 ac (1/6ac) 450 ea. 2/850 SOLD
Sun City Unit 3, Block 144, Lots 11 &12 .33 (1/3ac) 52436 each lot is .165 ac (1/6ac) 850 for both SOLD
Sun City Unit 3, Block 144, Lots 13-20 1.32 total 8 adjoining lots 20256 each lot is .165 ac (1/6ac) 450 ea. 2/850 SOLD
Sun City Unit 11,Block 1, lot 20 close to hiway no/no 20413 S000-011-0010-0200 1700 * SOLD
57 SEC 2 PSL nS1/2SW1/4SW1/4 & NW1/4SW1/4SW1/4 34.148+/- acres about 15 miles E-NE of Sierra Blanca no/no 30588 X600-057-0002-0160

gps: (approx) 31.1940 , -105.0630;

12,500 * sold
Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 Tract #1 5.29 acres about 8-10 miles south of IH 10 no/no 21165 S410-001-0000-0010 remote secluded views sold

Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 Tract #2

5.29 acres about 8-10 miles south of IH 10 no/no 21165 S410-001-0000-0010 remote secluded views sold
Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 Tract #3 5.29 acres about 8-10 miles south of IH 10 no/no 21165 S410-001-0000-0010 remote secluded views sold
Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 Tract #4 5.29 acres about 8-10 miles south of IH 10 no/no 21165 S410-001-0000-0010 remote secluded views sold
Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 Tract #119 5.29 acres about 8-10 miles south of IH 10 no/no 52583 S410-001-0000-1190 remote secluded views sold
Sierra Blanca Ranches #1 lots 107-113 5.29 acres ea about 8-10 miles south of IH 10. no/no 21243 S410-001-0000-1070 (1080) 6 adjoining lots


Sierra Blanca ranches #2 Lot 5 5.29 +/- about 8-10 miles south of IH 10. no/no 21253 S410-002-0000-0050 soldD

La Hacienda Estates Unit 2

lot# = price $$$



From El Paso, take hiway 62/180 east, approx. 47 miles to 2317. Turn south and go 4 miles to the property which is to the west.

Cornudas is 4 miles away, via hiway 62/180. Sierra Blanca is about 38 miles south on 1111, and the Guadalupe Mountains National Park is 40 miles to the east.

All parcels have access. None are landlocked


Must drill well for water if you build.

Must install septic if you build

prop id /geoid

Block 123,

section 12,

Public School Lands


Must drill well for water if you build.

Must install septic if you build

.No time limit to build.

No restrictions.


675 = SOLD 5.402



676 SOLD 4.751



678 SOLD 4.760



688 SOLD 5.565



689 SOLD 5.490



692 SOLD 5.10



695 SOLD 5.099



696 SOLD 5.110



698 SOLD 4.870



700 SOLD 4.676



701 = $3500 SOLD 5.769



702 = $3500 SOLD 5.825



703 = $3000 SOLD 4.988

