Iron County Utah

Located in Southwestern Utah about 180 miles NE of Las Vegas


Beryl townsite

Green Valley Acres and Escalante Valley Ranchos Beryl Junction area

Garden Valley Ranchos North and East of the townsite of Modena. Lots average 1.1 - 2.25 acres each



40 Acres Between Modena and Beryl Junction N of Hwy 56

* 32.5 acres about 13 miles NE of Lund. Remote *

* 106 acres East-SE of Lund * 160 acres East of Lund *



  Click for Beryl, Utah Forecast

* 80 acres NE of Lund SOLD *

40 acres East of Beryl SOLD SOLD

10 Acres between Beryl and Lund SOLD

SOLD * 10 acres extreme NW Iron County near Beaver county line. Bordees on 2 sides U.S. lands * SOLD

SOLD * 20 Acres Beryl Hwypaved / power between Beryl Junction and townsite of Beryl * SOLD

80 acres East of Beryl SOLD