Stony  (Stoney)   Pass  Mining   Claims


 STONEY PASS * Stony Pass has lots of possibilities…you can go the short trip to the summit, you can go on to Kite Lake, or you can take the "shortcut to Creede. Go to the summit and return back to Silverton. It’s a short trip, but scenic. The route you take leads to the Old One Hundred Gold Mine Tour and you will pass underneath an old ore bucket, so look overhead for it! The summit of Stony Pass has lots of wildflowers and small creeks and waterfalls. You can continue on to Kite Lake or Creede.

Name MS# acres +/- (net) power Notes $$$$$$$
Brookside 18070 10.25 NO acct#N2629GPS approx.: 37.808153 , - 107.564299 85000
Fraction 18070 4.996 no Stony Pass road. Views GPS approx: 37.80889 , -107.56543 50000
White Pine #2 18070 10.331 no Treed parcel adjoining Stony Pass. GPS approx: 37.80975 , -107.566772 49000


Mining Claim Definitions









OLD version for reference
   PARCEL NAME / TYPE/asking price/  notes
            Mineral survey #             LOCATION                                MAP  #

              SIZE (+/-acres)

 APEX  patented mining                                                  SOLD!!!!!
 18070  stoney pass

   6.895                                                                   MAP #1


 BLS  patented mining claim                                           SOLD

3.766                                                                                    MAP #2

 BLUFF patented mining claim                                               $9000
 18070  stoney pass

   9.186                                                                                    MAP #3


 DAISY  patented mining claim                                                $10000
 18070  stoney pass

   10.281                                                                                  MAP #4

Daisy 18070 10.281 no Borders stony pass Road SOLD


 FRACTION patented mining claim                          $50000
 18070  stoney pass

   4.996                                                                                    MAP #5


 ICI  patented mining claim                                                $8000 SOLD!!

 16289  stoney pass

   8.230                                                                                    MAP #6

ICI 16289 8.23 no Steep and Rocky. Near Stony Pass SOLD


 LEADVILLE patented mining claim                           SOLD!!

 17539  stoney pass

   6.301                                                                                   MAP #7


 LEON CAMBETTA  patented mining claim                        SOLD!!

 18991  stoney pass

   2.408                                                                                  MAP #8


 PORTAGE patented mining claim                                 SOLD!!

 17687  stoney pass

   7.227                                                                                MAP #9


 RAH  patented mining claim                                       SOLD!!
 18766  stoney pass

   1.239                                                                              MAP #10


 ROYAL BENGAL TIGER patented mining claim           SOLD
 2046  stoney pass

   10.32                                                                             MAP #11


 STONY PASS aka STONEY PASS                               $50000
 18070      patented mining claim

   8.618                         ( Laizza resale)                                MAP #12


 TOK  patented mining claim                                 SOLD!!!!!

 18766  stoney pass

   9.288                                                                            MAP #13


 VHG  patented mining claim                                            SOLD

 16289  stoney pass

   6.386                                                                            MAP #14


 WHITE PINE  patented mining claim                                SOLD

 18070  stoney pass

   10.331                                                                          MAP #15


 WHITE PINE #2 patented mining claim                            $49,000

 18070  stoney pass

   10.331                                                                         MAP #16


 XYZ  patented mining claim                                  
 18766  stoney pass

   1.896                                                                          MAP #17
