Cibola County 

   is located west of Albuquerque.  Interstate 40 goes through county.  Grants New Mexico is the county seat.

Cibola County historical routes and info

several parcels various > PINE MEADOWS RANCH * NEW PARCELS * none. power in area VARIOUS PARCELS in PINE MEADOWS < < varies


Apn# Size +/- (Acre) Legal Description (info Link) Utilities Notes - GPS (approx) $$$$/intuse
R03093 * 40.0 T6N, R14W, sec. 10, SE4NE4 none GPS(approx.): W rd: 34.76381 , -108.29635 ; S rd: 34.76257 , -108.29356 about 11 miles SE of Pine Hill. hill on property 29,500 SOLD agpp
R03569 14.5 a certain tract of land situated within S:11, T9N, R12W no Trees. 35.0170 , -108.0796. North end of Ember Trail 25,000 lgpp
R10242 40.83 Fence lake ranches Lot 124 and east no GPS: 34.7153 , -108.6545 25,000 igpp
R12268 22.18 El Morro Ranches unit 3 Lot 133 no GPS: 35.0769 , -108.2223 Borders BLM. Leaning Pine Lane 42,000 oeppp
R12309 20 El Morro Ranches Unit 1, Lot 162 no GPS: 350881 , -108.2420 Borders BLM Lands 27,500 orppp
R07520 * 5.06 Daniel, Block 5, Lot 2 at road GPS(approx.): 34.88474 , -108.48738 Views Power at road few trees. Bodean rd 22,500 ipp
R03104 10.0 Easy Living Lot 5 power @ road 34.9390 , -108.5026 22,500 lgpp
R06004 10.0 Easy Living, Lot 20 none : SW: 34.93562 , -108.4993 ; E: 34.93696 , -108.49608, creek through property 22,,900 ipp
R05548 5.0 Garfield Block 7, Lot 1   Red Mesa Lane 9,900 gppp
R10480 8.544 Great White Father Lot 39 power at road. 34.94848 , -108.47111 Corner of Great White Father road and Eagle Hill road about 5 miles N-NW of Pine Hill 35,000
R21410 19.5 Indian Knolls Ranch Lot 16 at road NW: 34.64193 , -108.54663 ; SW: 34.63824 , -108.5465 ; SE: 34.63827 , -108.54434 ; NE: 34.64193 , -108.54438 39,900 arpp
R17030 * .71 Gabaldon Block 15, Unit 3, lots 1,2,3,4,5   In Grants GPS front center: 35.16067 , -107.86875 SOLD
R16996 ? 1.0 Gabaldon Block 13, Unit 3, Lots 7-14 lot 6 In Grants Gps curve in circle 35.16078 , -107.87051 SOLD
R15599 * 1.2 Gabaldon Block 15, Unit 3, Lots 18-25  

In Grants Huge Views overlooking town of Grants

$12,000 for
R18625 * 1.45 Gabaldon Block 15, Unit 3 , Lots 6-9   In Grants Huge Views overlooking town of Grants * must be sold together all 12 lots
R15214 * .51 Gabaldon Block 14, Unit 3, lots 17,18,19, 20   In Grants 8 adjoining lots totalling 1.06 ac SOLD
R15191 * .55 Gabaldon Block 14, Unit 3, lots 1,2,3,4   In Grants must be sold IN PAIRS OR \ 4 together SOLD
R13535 13.62 Salazar Ranch Tract C   Arroyo Road Upside down L shape 19,900 alpp
R17867 6.0 S31 T11n R9W ( 6acres)Grants 87020 nearby In Grants triangle shape. Santa fe Ave. 20,000 egpp
R03700 10.89 Tierra Verde Unit 3, Lot 78 power @ rd Camino De Agua Vida. Trees 22,000 gspp
R00915 5.08 Tierra Verde Unit 6, Lot 81   Trees . Cerro Leonides Rd. 12,500 nppp
R04116 5.04 Tierra Verde Unit 6, Lot 90 no no pics at this time. prop. taxes $74. GPS(approx.) 34.9224 , -108.2129 8,500
R09418 7.65 Tierra Verde Unit 7 Lot 94 power@rd Laguna Largo Circle. Trees 21,500 espp





Click for Grants, New Mexico Forecast

Natural Wonders & Historic Places

El Morro National Monument
The ruins atop the mesa were one of the "Seven Cities of Gold." Carvings and messages were left by Anasazi, as well as conquistadors and historic travelers on the famous "Inscription Rock."
El Malpais National Monument
Explore 126,000 acres of "Frozen Fire" containing some of the most awesome lava and sandstone formations on earth. This badlands district of expansive lava flows, surreal ice caves and towering arches is also home to eagles, deer, elk, and antelope. It's just moments away from Grants and is a sight you will never forget.
Ice Caves and Bandera Crater
Cooling underground airflow maintains the perpetual mass of ice. Nearby, Bandera Crater offers a glimpse of how one of New Mexico's many volcanoes erupted.
Chaco Culture National Historic Park
This impressive collection of ruins is what's left of the most important settlements of the Anasazi, an advanced Indian culture that thrived between A.D. 750 and 1300. Explore the vast archeology ruins including underground ceremonial kivas and communal dwellings.
Mt. Taylor
At the heart of Cibola County, rises 11,301' Mt. Taylor. Among the towering Ponderosa Pine, you'll discover nature trails, scenic vistas, and wonderful picnic spots. Nothing beats Mt. Taylor for year round recreation - hiking, mountain biking, running, cross country skiing and snowshoeing.
Bluewater Lake State Park
Fishing for rainbow trout or catfish, camping, boating, and hiking are just some of the attractions. Just 25 miles west of Grants, you can enjoy this versatile vacation spot year round.

MORE INFO on Cibola County

R12469 36.944 + 2.5+/- = 39.44+/- total T9n, R14W, sec.12 situated mostly NW1.4, portion of the SW1/4 = 36.944 ac. no Near Pine Meadows ranch. MUST BE PURCHASED WITH R05189 Pine Meadows Unit 4 - block 611 for easy access. Prop. taxes $200 SOLDalpp
R14572 * 60'x105 Jelso-Sakelares Block 7, lot 33   1224 Washington in Grants 2500 SOLD
R03828 * 17.59 HOMESTEAD Lot 13 none SE: 34.91952 , -108.4554 ; NE: 34.92044 , -108.45485 17,500 SOLD gppp
R05598 5.0 Garfield Block 3, Lot 7   Boothill 12,900 SOLD eppp
R02533 * 5.69 Garfield, Block 3 , Lot 9   GPS(approx.): 34.88936 , -108.506263 BootHill rd. & Boot Bay 9,900 SOLD ogpp
R10480 * 8.544 Great White Father, Lot 39 pump GPS(approx.): 34.94848 , -108.47111 Eagle Hill road, trees 25,000 SOLD oipp
R12233 * 20.01 El Morro Ranches, Unit 2, Lot 136A power 1/4-1/2 mile GPS(approx.): 35.07288 , -108.22144 Sawmill Canyon rd. Ramah, zip 873211 39,900 ngpp SOLD
R14039 4.97 Zuni Canyon Vistas Lot 82 none GPS center : 35.1435 , -107.8945 dirt road. 2.5 miles SW of Grants 1,600 SOLD `gpp
R10621 2.96 Jubilee Trails Block 6, Lot 2 no 34.9138 , -108.4698 / 86 Rocky Bluff . no pics at this time 6500 SOLDorpp
R04578 * 5.77 Daniel, Block 4, Lot 11   GPS(approx.): 34.87894 , -108.48809 trees. Davids Rock rd 6,000 SOLD onpp